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May 08, 2018

April Fools is tomorrow and for those of you who are unaware, this means one thing and one thing alone. The fact of the matter is that someone, somewhere will be in for one serious surprise tomorrow, whether they have something mild like hot sauce in their coffee or children get pranked by telling them that the Easter bunny forgot to bring them anything or everyone just joining in on a big joke on a certain family member of friend. We all know that someone somewhere is most definitely getting pranked tomorrow. And that is the beauty of April Fool’s Day , anyway we here at Sir Holiday wanted to look into April Fools and see if there was anything interesting that we can scrounge up before we too get pranked by someone.

A Look Into April Fools Day

There is no clear consensus as to the true origins of April Fools, some scholars see its beginnings within the pages of history and others see it simply as a happy coincidence and still others see it stemming out of fictional books. Typical how a holiday of pranksters wouldn’t have a clear beginning, however there are some very promising theories. One such theory is that April Fools has roots all the way back in the Ancient Roman and Greek empires with a festival known as Hilaria. Hilaria is a festival that was held on the 25th of March each year; the festival was held for the Greek deity Cybele who was the mother of all the gods. The agenda of the festival included items such as parades, masked actors and most importantly, general horsing around. All of this was to mark the beginning of the New Year or Spring Equinox as it was known back in these times.

A Look Into April Fools Day

Another theory is that when Christians moved from the Julian calendar – the calendar created by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar – to the Gregorian calendar made by Pope Gregory XIII the date for the festival of Hilaria simply moved from March 25th to April the 1st. Moreover, there is another theory that the movement from one calendar to the next caused such a huge confusion over the dates that April Fools is almost a constant reminder of the initial confusion. But there is still another theory which states that April the 1st is merely a creature of human nature where over time the day was born simply out of coincidence and that we humans randomly chose a day out of the year to concentrate as much of our crazy, but not malicious jokes all at once.

A further interesting theory to note is that all cultures throughout history tend to have a time in spring which is dedicated to mayhem and general jovial behaviour, why well it’s probably got to do with something in the air. All of that pollen, makes people lose their minds, now where is the chillies I have got to add some spice to somebody's coffee.

A Look Into April Fools Day

For all of your holiday information and more, visit Sir Holiday today.

01 April link:


Ancient Greece link:


Spring link:




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