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March 08, 2018

Mardi Gras is right around the corner and for those of you who are not yet aware, so is Fat Tuesday. What is Fat Tuesday, well it is another name for Mardi Gras, these two terms preside over the same holiday activities. However, we here at Sir Holiday felt that it was imperative to delve into more about the origins of Fat Tuesday and hopefully, inspire you to take part in the festivities this year. Of course, if you are already well-informed on the details surrounding Fat Tuesday, hopefully this will help to raise your spirits in anticipation for the event even more than it already is.

Fat Tuesday is also known as Mardi Gras or alternatively, as Shrove Tuesday. This holy day in the Christian calendar takes place the day before Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the official start of Lent within the Christian calendar, during this time Christian’s observe the fast that Jesus undertook for 40 days and nights within the desert and seek to emulate this. In order, for the followers to achieve the desired results of a clearer mind, a closer relationship with the Lord amongst other things, they are required to give up either luxury items, habits or favourite foods over a period of 40 days and this aids them in achieving greater clarity, faith and perseverance,

What is Fat Tuesday?

However, as you can imagine, while everyone looks forward to the opportunity to bond more with their faith and enter a period of planned fasting, there is a significant hurdle. Not being able to eat your favourite food for 40 days and 40 nights will drive most people to the bar, but luckily there is a biblical approved method to get your fix without having to resort to crafty means. That way is Fat Tuesday, this holiday was created so that way the day before you enter your days of fasting and other luxury items, you may over indulge as a means of preparation for the many days ahead.

One particular thing that many Christian’s do on Fat Tuesday is to purchase and eat more pancakes than they know what to do with, I know what you’re thinking why have the overload of pancakes right before a fast. Well, if you’re going to be giving a firm favourite food item, work item, personal item or even just your favourite pair of shoes allocated into the ignore for 40 days program . That could be one of the best ideas ever to be had, hence why the spectacle of going all out before the fasting and serious business begins has become so popular all over the world.What is Fat Tuesday?

The most famous place to celebrate Mardi Gras is New Orleans’s where the festivities begin days in advance and the locals man the floats while putting on tremendous shows and performances for the travelling tourists in the mind. Interestingly, many shop owners and other locals apply vaseline and other lotions to poles, street lamps, traffic lights and the like in order to ensure that a tourist does not accidentally climb up of any of them and end up injuring themself.

For all of your holiday information and more, visit Sir Holiday today.

Man with firework:    

Pancakes link:



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