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December 20, 2017

A large part about family gatherings is the inevitable and drawn out stack of photos that must be taken and of course, your Christmas ones are in jeopardy of turning out less than magnificent thanks to those ugly Christmas sweaters. Yet, one must ask who brought about this infernal tradition and why would they think that anyone would ever look good in mismatched prints and Santa Clause all over our chests is simply beyond me. However, since everyone at Sir Holiday was thoroughly perplexed, we thought it time to discuss the origins behind the modern tradition of ugly Christmas sweaters at our family gatherings.

A jersey can only be termed as an ugly Christmas sweater if it meets certain conditions, namely it must be a Christmas themed jersey that can be defined as in poor taste, tacky or extremely unflattering in general. However, you may be wondering what kind of ratio makes something extremely bad and what makes something simply mildly horrible, well we found it out for you. The running theory is that the more Christmas and Advent themed decorations and motifs on the jersey the more likely you should fight to keep the jerseys locked away for this year, no matter how much it ruins your Grandma’s day.


Interestingly enough, while you might not enjoy wearing them, there are many celebrations of these unique jumpers known as Ugly Christmas Sweater parties. As I’m sure you can imagine these parties have one and one only prerequisite that all attendants wear the most outlandish and most unique Christmas themed knits that they can find, while this is just an excuse for a good party within the eyes of many, it serves another purpose as well. The party’s secondary purpose is to help show our parents and older generations that the clothes they thought made us look insanely cute should never have seen the light day, not in a million years should they have made it out of the stores into our homes.

The original party celebrating these ostentatious clothing items was held within Vancouver in 2002 and the city has taken the party as an annual celebration where thousands gather every year to don the most unique and criminal fashionably averse items in the spirit of Christmas. After all, what makes you think more of your family than the times when you were all laughing at how ridiculous you all looked in the jumpers your grandmothers and mom’s picked out together? I wonder if they decide who gets the ugliest one by discussing which one of the children was the most badly behaved this year? However, if you ever asked any of them all of they would most certainly deny it.

History Behind The Ugly Christmas Sweater

However in reality the most creditable source of our fascination with ugly Christmas sweaters comes from Bill Cosby in The Bill Cosby Show, as who can forget the wide variety of sweaters he routinely wore while on the show. Yet, there is not enough evidence to support the fact that Bill Cosby is in fact the father of this tradition, you can go and check out more holiday information at Sir Holiday to satisfy your craving for Christmas tips and tricks.

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