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December 20, 2017

It seems that ugly Christmas sweaters are all the rage, and not only amongst twenty year olds desperate to recreate decades they were never a part of, just about everybody is rushing to get their hands on a jumper with anything from a reindeer to a snowman or even Santa Clause big wide grin. However, the question here at Sir Holiday became not only why do we have Ugly Christmas Sweater parties at all but furthermore how do you go about throwing the best ugly Christmas sweater party this festive season will see? Therefore we travelled to find you the easiest and best way to throw an unforgettable ugly Christmas sweater party, but before we get into that let’s figure out why we have them in the first place.

How To Throw An Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

In earnest the only time we wore the jumpers for fashion, or rather because we thought they were truly fabulous, was in the 1980’s when they first came into popularity. However, at some point it seems people found the mirrors in their houses and discovered that these sweaters were more sweet than chic and then of course the parties mocking the jumpers came to ruin them forever. The first of such parties was held in Vancouver in 2001 and the parties continue to run year after year, with many more held not only in Vancouver but throughout much of the United States and the rest of the world as well. It seems everybody loves any excuse for a good party, even if it involves trying to be the punch-line of a joke.

Moving on, let us move onto the serious business of the day, how to throw a killer ugly Christmas sweater party for your friends and family for this festive season and hopefully, many more festiveseasons as well. Obviously the most important to make sure that all of your guests, yes every single one, must wear an ugly Christmas sweater, the more ridiculous and overtly Christmas themed the better. Perhaps you can hold a contest for the craziest ugly Christmas sweater and just about, any other jumperthemed category you can imagine. Something that is not mandatory but is a seriously nice to have element for your festive follies is that all the decor can be jumper or knitted themed – while still obviously being Christmasrelated – this will help to stress how this is a party about sweaters, after all.

Unfortunately, many people start hunting down their sweaters far in advance so if you are hoping to dress to impress then you had better plan in advance and encourage your guests to do so as well. Especially if they want to go all out and embellish their outfit even further with Christmas baubles or lights, however there are sites online now that sell premade funny, cute and traditional ugly Christmas sweaters for your convenience and to help keep your to-do list a little bit more manageable during the festive season.

For all your holiday information and more visit Sir Holiday today.




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