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November 15, 2017

Meta: A look at the power of Christmas miracles throughout the ages.


The festive season is characterized by snow, mince pies, sweets, endless carols and possibly a rather tipsy family member or two; however, occasionally something entirely unexpected and altogether miraculous happens. Since there are so many positive stories around the season of goodwill, we thought it was only right to shed some extra positivity on your day and get you in the mood for Christmas with a few Christmas miracles

More Christmas Miracles

Put the gun down....

In 1914, both the Axis and the Allied forces otherwise known as the Germans and their compatriots along with their opponents the Western powers, simply put down their weapons on Christmas day and no fighting occurred whatsoever. This was not due to an official decree from their governments, there was no prompting from their commanding officers or will from any external forces, these men simply chose to down their weapons and cease the fighting, to ensure that for at least one day, they could all have a nice time.

Back in a flash

One of the most terrible tragedies any mother can experience is to give birth to a stillborn baby, but for the mom to die as well, while giving birth is just too much for words. Luckily though this tale has a happy ending, on the 24th of December in 2009 in Colorado in the United States a woman named Tracy Hermanstorfer began her labor.

However, things rather quickly began to deteriorate, shortly she lost consciousness and then her lungs cut out and she was no longer breathing, the doctors in desperation, attempted to save her baby, but upon pulling him out found that he was stillborn. The picture looked extremely bleak, however, the power of Christmas came in to save the day and fortunately, her baby was revived and then rather unexpectedly Tracy came to as well and both mommy and baby went on to live happily following their own Christmas miracle.

More Christmas Miracles

Got your back

A little boy who was set to never, ever walk again, dumbfounded the medical and scientific communities alike when he began walking just before Christmas in 2008. The boy named Marco Dutschak had a cyst grow along his spine, which ended up crushing his spinal cord. Basically, it should be physically impossible for him to walk and yet this little boy defeated all the odds and just got up and started walking, which no one before or after with his condition has ever repeated.

Community power

We all know that the economy is pretty tight and it seems everywhere you turn, someone is attempting to cut down on spending or take on extra work in order to keep their head above water, however for many foreclosures and evictions are a sad reality. This was the case for one family in 2008; the Sampsons lost their house right before Christmas and were facing a very bleak festive season. Their friend decided to spread the story via their blog, the story went viral and people began donating to a PayPal account the friend setup. All in all $11 032 was raised and the Sampsons got their home back just in time for Christmas.

For all your holiday information and more, visit SirHoliday.com.




Christmas scene link:


Random mom with baby elf link:


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