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May 08, 2018

If you have not yet realised it, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this year is flying by, can you believe it but literally this past weekend we had Easter celebrations and April Fool’s Day. This year saw many big companies joining in, with even Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk chiming in with an April Fools prank of Tesla being bankrupt. The joke for the ages. Anyhow, what with the seasons changing and everything I can only hope that someone in your life, most probably your grandma, aunt or school teacher would have spoken to you about the saying April showers bring May flowers. Now, we here at Sir Holiday are quite curious as to the true meaning and origins behind this particular piece of language, therefore without any further ado let’s hop right in.

The origins of this statement seem to be rooted within the late 1800’s according to the Dictionary of Proverbs. The root phrase is believed to be ‘March winds and April Showers bring forth May flowers,’ now it is not hard to see why this particular phrase has readapted itself to modern language requirements, as I doubt any of us have recently used the statement for bring forth in ordinary conversation whatsoever as of late. But there is also possibility that root phrase from 1886 may in fact be a remnant of a 1610 poem.

The Meaning Behind The Popular Saying April Showers Bring May Flowers

Now the science of this statement is a little divided. While on the one hand, it is most certainly true that a higher proportion of rainfall will cause more abundant fields of flowers, the fact of the matter is that different types of plants have different requirements. Some plants go all out and begin flowering at the beginning of Spring while others only crawl out from the ground and begin to bloom later on after a serious amount of rain has fallen to the earth.

Now you might be wondering what this has to do with the statement, well in earlier years when the weather heated up in March which is a rare occurrence it led to a false signal to the flowers that it was time to begin growing. This still occurs, however where it was previously due to nature, now it is due to human interference and does ultimately have consequences for the general population of flower lovers.

The Meaning Behind The Popular Saying April Showers Bring May Flowers

After research it was ascertained that due to high levels of global warming, the plants would continue to be exposed to these non-anticipated signals to begin flowering and these flowers will ultimately be more likely to have premature deaths because they weren’t growing in the naturally designated time for them. In fact, it is very common for flowers which have prematurely bloomed in the incorrect part of Spring or even Winter to perish in the first few weeks of their life.

Many academia are worrying over the effect of increased climate clanged, particularly on plants, animals and nature. For all of your holiday information visit Sir Holiday.

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