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November 16, 2017 1 Comment

Meta: Origins behind Christmas in July


Everyone dreams of a white Christmas filled with all the delights of winter, from a roast turkey and endless cups of hot chocolate to snuggling up with the ones you love in front of a roaring fire, however for those of us in the Southern hemisphere this is not possible. Why you may ask, well it’s fairly simple, it’s scorching hot and therefore it is only logical to ditch the hot chocolate and offer ice cream instead because the heat is unrelenting down here. But then there is a double whammy that Christmas in itself is associated with winter, after all where does Santa live in the North Pole surrounded by snow, ice, and reindeers, all of the traditional Christmas food is winter fare and just about everything is set for those in colder climates. Hence, some ingenious fellow thought up Christmas in July and we here at Sir Holiday thought it might be good to share it with you.

However, the origins of this particular phenomenon has far less to do with the heat down in the South around December and a lot more to do with the heat up in the northern hemisphere around July, why you may be wondering well business of course. You see, during the 1980’s markets and other retailers discovered that there was no great advertising gimmick during the month of July, well within Europe anyway. This caused a lot of panic as everyone knows that during holiday season customer purchases and general spending seems to escalate as a whole, therefore the idea of having a Christmas in July festival, as a way to guarantee a good Christmas during the wintery December months seemed perfect.

Where Does Christmas In July Come From?

An alternative theory is that there was a group of Irish tourists who travelled to the Blue Mountains in Sydney, Australia, while they were there the tourists who would have been experiencing the warmer temperature in Ireland saw the lovely snow that Australia was receiving in July and had an idea. The tourists mentioned to the resort owner their idea of having a Christmas in July party and the owner arranged the festival for them, known as Yulefest. This became such a huge hit within the community that now Christmas in July or Yulefest, as it is known in Australia, has become an integral part of their culture and is supported by many local businesses, restaurants and families alike.

Yet, as with all fun things there has been a bit of contention around the celebrating of this holiday, why you may ask well its fairly simple, there are those who believe that by celebrating Christmas during July instead of in December we are ignoring the true meaning of the holiday and choosing to buy into the extreme commercialization instead. But while we cannot ignore the fact that the retail sector has truly grabbed onto this event, one should never lose sight of the important things namely family, friends, faith and fun.

Where Does Christmas In July Come From?

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Beach with balls:


Christmas at a beach:


1 Response


March 11, 2024

I love Christmas in July!! I live in the southern part of the US and by July we are already tired of the heat. I’ve celebrated it for many years now. People used to think I was nuts but most enjoy it now also. I decorate the living room, only, with a small wooden tree and fake wrapped “gifts” make myself hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies. lol life is too short to not celebrate all the little things that make you happy. Happy Christmas in July!! thank you for your article.

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