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February 07, 2018

Cupid is a creature whom many have come to know and love thanks to a certain holiday which he has been associated with for many, many years. Cupid and Valentine’s Day are synonymous now and will continue to be for many, many years. After all who has never seen a character in a movie that claims to have been hit by Cupid’s arrow, or who has been ‘love-struck’, perhaps best of all is when the characters claim that that their recent infatuation is due to being under Cupid’s spell. Hence, we here at Sir Holiday thought it was time to figure out the full story behind Cupid and if he really is interfering with our love lives as much as people make out.Cupid: The Story Behind The Legend

Let’s start off with some of the basics; Cupid is the ancient Roman god of sensual love and outer beauty. Cupid was mostly drawn as a chubby baby boy, who would fly around in the nude and shoot arrows into people’s hearts. What would the effect of these arrows be?

Well to put it simply these people would fall in love with whoever their eyes fell upon once the arrow entered their hearts, I imagine this might have caused some sticky situations. However, Cupid had two different arrows; one that was gold would cause you to fall into a deep true love, while the other one which was made of lead would only cause you to fall into a hollow lust. But before you think that Cupid is a completely unique construct of Romanmythology, let me be the bearer of factual news Cupid is in fact the modified version of an older Greek deity.

Who is this deity that has been forgotten by most of civilization is none other than Eros, the Greek god in charge of love affairs; he had similar functions and duties as Cupid. However, part of the reason Cupid is more popular, is that Cupid is just a lot more fun to say than Eros, well besides all of the other historical factors. You might be wondering what kind of mischief Cupid got into since he is commonly depicted as a meddling character eager to make us helpless humans fall in love at the drop of the hat, however his own love story is far from smooth sailing.

Cupid: The Story Behind The Legend

The story goes that Cupid’s mother Venus or if you’re going with the Greek legend then Aphrodite, was so jealous of the beauty of a mortal woman known as Psyche that she ordered Cupid to go down to Earth and bewitch her so she’d fall in love with a monster. Now, off Cupid went except the unexpected thing happened, he fell in love with Psyche. He married her; unfortunately there was a slight low point in this situation, what was the cause of sadness? Well, Psyche was not allowed to look upon Cupid’s face, ever. Inevitably, one day out of sheer curiosity she did and Cupidran away. Psyche searched all the known lands looking for him and eventually she found him, the fellow gods seeing their true love bestowed immortality upon Psyche. And hopefully they are still living happily ever after today.

Cupid: The Story Behind The Legend

For all of your holiday information and much more visit Sir Holiday today.

Vintage Cupid link:

Cherub link:

Vintage Cupid kiss on wood:




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